Head - Heart - Hand - - An Amazing Way God Can Speak to You Through His Word

Many times we read a passage of scripture and wonder what it has to do with us.   With the Bible being God’s primary way of speaking to our lives, it behooves (great King James Bible Word) to have an understanding of what we are reading.   Now there are places in the Bible where it may be more difficult than others (hello Leviticus) to sort this out, but you would be amazed at how much can be learned by asking three simple questions.

This method was taught to me by a Austrian Missionary in Ethiopia. He found it to be most effective in communicating truths from God's Word to those he was helping grow in their journey with Jesus. Simple - Effective - Powerful and you will never forget it!  Not only is it effective for us adults - it is a great way for us to teach children how to understand God's Word much more effectively.

Three Simple Questions after reading a passage of Scripture:

QUESTION ONE:   What is this verse/passage saying to my brain?  Is this passage/verse trying to tell me something?  Warn me to do or not to do something?  What is it saying to my brain!     KNOWLEDGE

QUESTION TWOHow does this make me feel?  Once that I know what the scripture/passage says, what is my emotional response?   Gratefulness?  Loved?  Repulsed?  Fearful?  Worshipful?  Secure?   How does this make my heart feel?  EMOTIONS

QUESTION THREE:   What does this verse/passage tell me to do?   Now that I know what it says, what am I to do?   How am I to respond?   What purpose did God put that scripture/passage in the Bible?  What was He trying to motivate/convince me to do?   WILL - ACTION

Now - Let's take a couple of passages of Scripture and work through them asking these questions:

Strength! Courage! You are going to lead this people to inherit the land that I promised to give their ancestors.  Give it everything you have, heart and soul. Make sure you carry out The Revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don't get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you're going.  And don't for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you'll get where you're going; then you'll succeed.Joshua 1:6-8 (MSG)  

Question One:  What is this passage telling me?    (Knowledge)

These verses are preparing Joshua to lead the people after Moses is gone.   He will need strength and courage for the task ahead is great.    However, if he carries out what God revealed to Moses about how the people should worship and obey (Deuteronomy and Leviticus) then he will successful in God’s Eyes.

Question Two:  How does this make me feel?   (Emotions)

This should encourage us in that what God has called us to do is possible when we trust in Him.   If we look to Him for how to live/worship we will be successful.  This does not mean that it will be easy.   If it was easy, God wouldn’t tell us not to be discouraged – to be strong and courageous. 

Question Three:  What does this passage tell me to do?  (Will/Actions)

We need to find out what God’s individual path for us is – focus/meditate/discipline ourselves in our walk.   Look to God for direction/strength/courage because it will be difficult – but you will be successful in what God has called you to do when you do this.

Okay - Let's try a second passage of Scripture:

That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.  God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him.  After God made that decision of what his children should be like, he followed it up by calling people by name. After he called them by name, he set them on a solid basis with himself. And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun.  So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose?  If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us?  And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen?  Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us.  Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:  They kill us in cold blood because they hate you. We're sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.  None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us.  I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow,  high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. Romans 8:28-39 (MSG)  

Question One:  What is this passage telling me?    (Knowledge)

God is always at work in our lives – always has been to make us like Jesus.  Jesus is our example of how to live here on earth, how to treat people, what to love and how to respond to God.  God is at work to make this happen – we are secure in Him.  Nothing will be able to separate us from God – NOTHING.  Nothing I, you or anyone else could do to make God give up on you.

Question Two:  How does this make me feel?   (Emotions)

This is humbling.  When we realize how much God loves us, we should feel secure in the fact that whatever we face, whatever comes our way He is working through them to make us like Jesus.   Additionally, no matter how great the screw up we are or we make, He will never give up on us.   We are secure.  We are loved.

Question Three:  What does this passage tell me to do?  (Will/Actions)

When we realize these things, it should effect the way we see ourselves.  When we worry – we are doubting these principles.  When we self-condemn and feel worthless – we in essence are calling these verses – and God – a liar.  This doesn’t give us a license to live like we want to – but gives us an understanding of how great God’s Love and Grace is in our lives.

Try it on a passage of Scripture!  See what you learn!   Teach this method to your children, to others.   It is simple and effective!

Is Gay Ok?

I want to be able to say that being gay is ok … but I can’t.

Before you click away – prejudge and label me – and dismiss me as just another compassionless old bible thumper, just read on.  Listen – please.

I have chosen to believe that an absolute moral truth exists and that truth is found in God and His Word.  So when I strive to determine what is right/wrong, good/best, how God designed life to be lived, I look to God and His Word to determine these things.    It is my worldview.  You may have a different view – but this is how I have chosen to live.

I want to be able to say that being gay is ok … but I can’t.

As I look in the bible there isn’t a lot said about being gay.  Out of the almost 32,000 verses in the bible, there are only a few that deal with homosexuality.   Really only about 5 or 6 passages – but in each of those passages it is clear it isn’t what God said is best.  It isn’t what God designed us to be.  In addition, nowhere in the bible is same sex attraction portrayed in a positive light.  Nowhere is same sex marriage or partnership illustrated as something inside of God’s design for humankind.

It would be easier to just go with the popular flow and say being gay is ok because some of the most gracious people I know are gay.  Honestly?  Some of my gay friends demonstrate more love, care and compassion than do some people who go to church religiously and claim to follow Jesus!  However, how nice, caring and compassionate a person is does not determine whether a specific action is right or wrong. 

Caring, compassionate wonderful people are capable of lying, cheating on their spouse, harsh words at times, prejudice – the list could go on.   Even as a follower of Jesus – I am capable of all those things – and have done more than my share of living in ways that are clearly condemned by the bible.  But I can’t change the bible and say that my actions – my choices – are ok, right or acceptable.

William Penn once said, “Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”  Let me expand that quote:  Wrong is wrong even if I do it.   Wrong is wrong even if someone I love dearly is doing it.

I want to be able to say that being gay is ok … but I can’t.

At this point in our culture – especially in the church culture – battle lines have been drawn.  Homosexuality – gay marriage are at the center of a tremendous amount of furor.   Everybody is shouting – very few are talking – even fewer are listening.   Gluttony is condemned in the bible – we don’t hear much about that one – especially not from obese preachers.   Judge-mentalism is clearly not what God had in mind – it seems we only hear about that when we are the ones being judged.  Gossip is clearly condemned by God – but is practiced by many an old battle ax at church.  Adultery – looking at people lustfully – is wrong by God’s standards – but you can’t watch a commercial with Hannah and her horse without struggling!  (Hannah – not her horse!)

Homosexuality, gluttony, judge-mentalism, gossip, adultery and the list goes on are not what is best for life.  These actions bring pain and sorrow into lives no matter who does them.  They are not how God designed us to live.  Neither is hatefully bashing people with our words and actions.  God calls me to speak truth, but speak it from a heart of love.  If I can’t talk to, listen to and love a person, then I have greater issues in my life that God needs to transform.

God’s design for sexuality has been one man – one woman for life.  Even in the bible, when that design has been strayed from, disaster follows.

I want to be able to say that being gay is ok … but I can’t.

So what do I do?   I love.  I care.   I struggle.  I defend.   I protect.  I embrace.  I cry.  I pray.  I do my best to treat everyone with the kind of love and compassion Jesus demonstrated.  I seek to follow Jesus.  I am just as flawed, tarnished, broken and dysfunctional as anyone/everyone else – yet God loves and accepts me – and God loves you as well – with all our issues.   He is at work in my life – transforming me into something that resembles Him – slowly, painfully, and thoroughly.   He wants to do the same for you.   Talk to Him.  He loves you … really.  Talk to Him.   He is listening.

Poverty, Bigotry, Gay Marriage, Abortion - Is This What God Had In Mind?

Some of this post may seem redundant, but it is very important to have a clear understanding of what I have chosen to call a “biblical worldview.”   I want to take this blog post and explain more clearly – perhaps a little more in depth so when we look at some of the issues of the day – even if you disagree with my position – you will understand my reasoning.   Fair enough?

In the last blog post I referred to a biblical worldview as a belief that an absolute moral truth exists and that “truth” is understood by an honest study of the Bible.   While I am quick to admit it is not always easy to understand the Bible because of the complexity and variety of the 66 books it contains, an honest study of the Bible is possible.  Honestly, I have found that many people who talk “about” the Bible often have never “read” much less really “studied” the Bible.

Let me expound on the biblical worldview I hold.

I believe/think/reason there was a way God designed our universe/world to operate.   I believe that God created all we see and know about our world and space.   Now “how” He did it – there is a great debate, but “that” He did it for me – holding a biblical worldview – is not up for debate.   He created it with order.  There are universal laws/principles that govern this cosmos that we are still trying to fathom.   A simple example is our earth’s gravity.   Whether you believe in it or not – it just is.  On earth it is constant.   You might not believe in gravity – but jump off your house and you will experience it!  (Don’t try it …. Without a Superman Cape!  Smile)

It is my understanding there are constants all around us that have allowed us to fly to space, combine chemical and do all sort of amazing things.  These are constants that allow our world to function as it was designed.

With a biblical worldview, I believe that God intentionally created man and then woman.   It was not a cosmic accident, but rather the crowning creation of God.    God surrounded man with these constants – these principles – these rules to keep His creation running at peak efficiency.   All of God’s Creation follows His Plan – His Design – His Patterns.   But God gave something to man and woman He didn’t give to any other of His creations here on earth.     He gave man – us – that ability to choose – to make moral, reasoned choices whether to follow His designs, patterns, plans or to function in a different manner.

Originally He gave this choice to Adam and Eve.  While we don’t know how long it took, eventually they both chose to rebel against God’s design and instructions and eat of the forbidden tree.  When they deliberately chose to do this, the creation that was perfect, whole and efficient began to unravel.  Never again would God’s Creation be as He created it.  It was now contaminated with one of His Creation looking to Him and saying “No.”

The theological term for this is “Sin” – I almost hate to use that term because it carries with it such cultural weight, but let’s look at it differently for a moment.  The Greek word for sin is “hamartia” which means to “miss the mark.”  Let me loosely paraphrase:  When we choose to operate outside the patterns/design/principles of God then we sacrifice the full benefit of functioning in the manner He created us to live.

Illustration:   Most new cars come with an “Instruction Manual” that explain all the nuances of the automobile and its electronics.  (Or you can ask a 15 year old about the electronics – they can figure out anything …. Grin)  Inside that manual there is preventative maintenance that you can and should do.  Tire Pressure, Fluids, Periodic Oil Changes etc.   Now you can choose to follow the instructions and perform the maintenance or you can ignore them.  But chances are, if you ignore them, the car will not operate as the “Creator” designed it to function.

I believe we are the same.   There are principles/patterns/laws that God has in place.   If we operate in harmony with those principles/patterns/laws then life will go much better.   But if we choose to ignored them, then life isn’t going to go as the “Creator” designed it to function.

Please understand – this is a very simplistic explanation of my biblical worldview, but I wanted you to understand my “frame of reference” when dealing with complex issues we face today.

So the question I ask is – “As best as I can honestly understand in studying the Bible – what is/was God’s principle/design/pattern/law concerning ___________________ .”   That is how I attempt to navigate through life.   Again – it isn’t always easy to determine, but in most cases you usually can find indications as to what should be done or what is right or wrong.

Ok …. Now – if you have made it this far, then you either agree or think I am an idiot.  (maybe both if you know me well …. ((grin)).     But if you disagree – what is your worldview?   How do you wrestle with these issues?

Next Blog Entry we will look at the area of Morals, Gluttony and Gossip.   Are the all the same?   (smile)


PS:  If you want to email me any thoughts/questions/comments/responses - click here!   I really would like to hear from you!


Poverty, Bigotry, Gay Marriage, Abortion - How Do We Decide What is Right?

Over the next few posts I am going to share some of my thoughts about America’s Culture, the Church and the massive conflicts taking place.    No podium, pulpit or sermon  - Just some thoughts to help me process what is going.  I hope you are challenged intellectually, emotionally and spiritually by what you read.  This will be several Posts long rather than one long post.
Right now there is a great discussion going on in America.   Well – not so much of a discussion WITH each other, but rather a lot being said ABOUT each other.

When we disagree rather than sitting down and listening, we label, insult and dismiss one another.  Whenever a label is applied, they are “boxed up” and dismissed.   “That is how they all are!” … Right?  And this is true of almost everyone today.   Everyone is screaming, yelling, talking and very few are listening.  After all that is what we see on CNN, FOX and MSNBC every night isn’t it?

My thought is to take a step back and ask a few questions.   I know there are differing opinions about Gay Marriage, Abortion, Life and Death.   So let’s think together and see if we can understand better where we are and why?  Fair enough?  

An important question is this:  How do you determine what is right and wrong?   What do you use as your moral authority?  What is your moral compass that guides your decisions in life?

Some might respond and say, “There is no absolute truth!”   Ok … well I disagree, but if you believe that, what do YOU base your moral decisions on?  What determines what is right and wrong to you?

Perhaps here are some options.  Some determine right and wrong by their feelings.   Those of my vintage remember Debbie Boone’s “You Light up My Life?” – The lyric, “It can’t be wrong when it feels so right!”  Many people have made horrible choices based on “emotions and/or feelings.”   Emotions are fickle and feelings change.  Not so good I think.

Others might say, “Let you conscience be your guide!”   But consciences can be dulled, broken, twisted and when you have a group of people trying to make rules/laws – how can it be so “nebulous” as to do what your conscience tells you.

Another option is right and wrong is determined by what is legal.  That makes some sense, but right now our nation is having debates and laws are being changed right and left depending on who win elections or even who is shouting the loudest!   Additionally, I am not sure that all things “legal” are good.   For instance “Adultery” is legal and most people seem to think that adultery isn’t a good thing.  However, there is another problem.   If laws are the ultimate arbiter of what is right and wrong, on what “moral authority” are the laws based?    Popular opinion?  Whims of the culture?  Actually I think that America is struggling with that now.

Most people who don’t think about such things as these just do what everyone else does.  “Everyone else is doing it – it must be ok.”   And every parent responds, “If all the kids jumped off a bridge – would you?” … Probably.    (Smile)  Now there is something to be said about this, because our conduct, thoughts and reasoning are connected to who we “run with.”  You run with idiots you will probably begin to think like them.    Especially with teens and young adults, many of the choices made are influenced by one’s peers.

These are all options and to some degree have some merit, however here is mine – Here is how I strive to determine what is right and wrong.  I have chosen a biblical worldview.   Hang in there, let me explain.

A biblical worldview means that I do believe an absolute moral truth exists and that “truth” is understood by an honest study of the Bible.  This means that I look to God and His Word as the final answer in searching for instruction in life.

Now that isn’t always easy.  The Bible really is a complicated book – actually 66 different books.  Some are poetry, some are narrative, some are ceremonial, some are letters and some are surreal imagery.   Trying to make sense of it all is incredibly difficult, but I have chosen to use this collection of writings to determine what is right and wrong.  Not only that, I look to these writings to determine what is best, how LIFE is to be experienced and understood.  I wish I could tell you I always DID what I knew to be right … but I would be lying.  Knowing and doing are two different things.   (Smile)

So – my question is – what is yours?  What is your method?  How is it that you determine right and wrong?  

Bold statement here:   You are a fool if you really don’t know.  Life is too precious not to definitively know how you process right and wrong.  I truly hope you give it some thought. 

NEXT ARTICLE:   How Did and Does Our Nation Determine Right and Wrong?

God! Can You Hear Me?

How many times have you been in a place in life where you wonder if God even notices you?   If He is even paying attention?  If He even cares?  Maybe you even dared to pray, but wondered if He was even listening.

You think you are the only one?   Maybe you even feel guilty because you follow Jesus but have emotions of hopelessness, abandonment or just plain stressed out by life at times.  Or maybe you have done something so stupid, so foolish that everybody who seemed to “love you” turned their back and left you to rot.  And you begin to wonder if they did – maybe God did too.

You aren’t the only one.  Would you believe that there was a guy that was described as a guy after God’s Heart who felt the same way?   This was a guy whom God had richly blessed, protected and delivered time after time – but look at what he wrote:

Help, GOD—the bottom has fallen out of my life! Master, hear my cry for help!  Listen hard! Open your ears! Listen to my cries for mercy.  Psalm 130:1-2 (MSG)

GOD—the bottom has fallen out of my life! Master, hear my cry for help!  2  Listen hard! Open your ears! Listen to my cries for mercy. 3  If you, GOD, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? 4  As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped. 5  I pray to GOD—my life a prayer— and wait for what he'll say and do. 6  My life's on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning. 7  O Israel, wait and watch for GOD— with GOD's arrival comes love, with GOD's arrival comes generous redemption. 8  No doubt about it—he'll redeem Israel, buy back Israel from captivity to sin. Psalm 130:1-8

Thoughts and Questions

Verses 1-2 – THIS IS WHERE I AM
In the Hebrew Mind the ocean represents fear, the unknown, the untamed.
Mark’s Paraphrase:  “Things are out of control.  I feel like I am drowning!  Where are You?  Can You hear me?  Are You listening?”
Notice he cries for “Mercy” – Mercy is for when you are guilty.  Perhaps it was his own actions that got him in to this mess.

Verses 3-4 – THIS IS WHO YOU ARE
God forgives in – casts it from east to west – remembers it no more.
When you find God, you find total forgiveness.
Holiness – consistence in life.
Mark’s Paraphrase:  “God – truth is none of us is worthy of You.  You forgive over and over and over.  That is why we worship/are in awe of You.”

God is always faithful.  I will wait for Him.
I wait expecting Him to act – not just hope – but expect.
Mark’s Paraphrase:  “I pray – and wait for you to lead and provide.   If not, I’m screwed – I have nothing else.   I wait expectantly for You to act.”

Verses 7-8 – I’M NOT ALONE
Mark’s Paraphrase:  “Hey everyone.  When God gets here He brings love and redemption.  Have confidence, He will deliver us.”


 You may be going through a terrible time in your life right now.   Perhaps you did something foolish that took you someplace you never intended to go.  Perhaps you are just being blasted by the storms of life.   One thing you can do is Pray.   Prayer is simple - just talk to God.  Be honest with Him - about your feelings, your fears, your hopes, your frustrations.  Don't pretend - just tell Him.  He is listening - He does care - He will act.   

It may not change your circumstances, the suffering may not end immediately, but you will realize you aren't alone.  And you will realize there is hope.  God has always been faithful.  He was in the Bible.   He is/was to people all around you - ask them.   When you find Him you find forgiveness.  You find restoration.  You find acceptance.  You find hope.

The same is true of people.   When you find one who follows Jesus you find forgiveness, restoration, acceptance and hope.

What you are going through won't last forever.   Dawn always comes and things look worse at night.   Look for God to act.   Look to Him.  Listen for Him.  He is at work in your life and all around you.  Stop focusing on your situation and focus on Him.

Realize you aren't the only one who has is going through difficult times.  Everyone has a story.  In the immortal words of REM - Everybody Hurts.   It may do you well to find them and help them, talk to them, encourage them.   It will do you both well.

You will make it through this.  It won't be easy, it may not be quick, but you will make it through this.  Talk to Him.  Look for Him.  Listen for Him.
This won't last forever.  You are not alone.
You will make it through this.