Are You An Optimist?

It is the classic illustration between the optimist and the pessimist. The optimist sees the glass as half-full, and the pessimist sees the glass as half-empty. Effective people are inevitably optimistic people. Do not confuse optimism with pie-in-the-sky, pollyanna thinking – though effective leaders are often dreamers – they are also realist. Effective people will cultivate and maintain a positive mental attitude.

Four Keys To Biblical Optimism
  • Focus on God instead of Self – There is no problem to great for God to handle. Focusing on God and knowing that He is aware and in control of the situation is a key to a positive outlook, even in times of trouble. When we continually focus on our circumstances or ourselves, we are in for an attitudinal tailspin.
  • Look to the Future and Learn from the Past – Refuse to dwell on past failures – learn the lessons and forget the details. Instead, focus on the present and anticipate the future.
  • Always Focus on a Goal – Goals keep us oriented toward achievement and moving forward. They help us know what we need to accomplish and when it needs to be accomplished.
  • View Problems as Opportunities for Improvement – Problems, setbacks, and disappointments are inevitable – they are part of life. Nevertheless, remember this: negative, defeatist attitudes produce negative, defeatist actions. Positive attitudes produce positive actions.
“Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14 NIV)

A bounty of $5,000 offered for each wolf captured and brought back alive turned Sam and Jed into fortune hunters. Day and night the scoured they mountains and forests, looking for their prey. Exhausted one night, they fell asleep dreaming of their potential fortune. Suddenly, Sam awoke to see that about 50 wolves with flaming eyes and bared teeth surrounded them. Nudging his friend, he exclaimed, “Jed, wake up. We’re Rich!”

Now That’s Optimism!!!

What Every Child Wants To Know

With tomorrow being Father's Day, I believe that it is important for each father to read these thoughts. It goes without saying that there probably will be no other man more important in your child's life than their father. Every child wants to know the answer to these questions from their father.

It does not take a rocket scientist to look across our landscape and see many emotionally unhealthy people today. Whether it is the endless parade of angry, bitter people highlighted on the latest afternoon talk show, the increasing rate of aberrant sexual behavior, or the systematic disintegration of the family, it is obvious that we are a nation with many unhealthy, insecure people. Can this be changed? Absolutely. However, it will not be through government programs, through scholastic education, or even economic revitalization. It will come one individual at a time. Each person must discover the answer to these four questions. These are simple questions, but will influence every relationship a person has.

Four Questions Every Person On Earth Wants Answered

  • DO I MATTER? - Derivatives of this question are asked cosmically with questions like, “Am I an accident?” “Was I Created?” What does the World have to say about the origin of man? That we came from a pool of cosmic sludge, that we jumped out, jumped back in, jumped back out, grew legs, became a monkey and that we were on our way to becoming a man. We have been told we were some cosmic accident. There is no design or purpose for us here. What does God's Word Say? That man is an intentional creation of God. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

  • AM I LOVED? - One of the greatest desire mankind want to know is a simple question of, “Am I loved?” This question can be asked in ways such as, “Am I of Value?” or “Am I Appreciated?” The Bible tells us that God loves and values each of us. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

  • WHY AM I HERE? - “What is my Purpose in Life?” “Can I Make A Difference?” Have you discover why God made you the way He did? He designed you with a specific purpose in mind. Have you determined God’s Purpose for your life? "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

  • IS THERE HOPE FOR ME? - Once a person has determined that they matter to their Creator, that they are loved by that Creator, and that their Creator has a wonderful plan for their life, they want to know if they can change to fit that Plan. What was cannot be changed . . . What will be is determined by the choices we make today. There is hope! Never forget that there is hope! Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Parents, do your children know that they matter, are loved, and have purpose? Employers, do your employees know they matter, are of value, and have purpose to you and your company? When a person cannot answer these questions . . . they will not be able to maintain a balanced, healthy life.

What Is A Bulldog's Nose Slanted Backwards?

Years ago I read a book by John Mason called The Enemy Called Average. In his book, he had a chapter entitled “The Nose of the Bulldog is Slanted Backward so He can Continue to Breathe Without Letting Go!”

What makes the difference between a winner and loser? Often times one thing: Persistence! Persistent people begin their success where most others quit. One person with commitment, persistence and endurance will accomplish more than a thousand people with interest alone.

The Bible says “Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won’t let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12:1 (CEV)

What Are Three Keys To Success?
  • Persistence: The more diligently we work, the harder it is to quit. Persistence is habit; so is quitting.
  • Performance: Never worry about how much money, ability or equipment you are starting with. Just begin with a million dollar's worth of determination. Consider the postage stamp. Its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to something until it gets there.
  • Patience: In the Far East, the people plant a tree called the Chinese Bamboo. During the first four years they water and fertilize the plant seemingly with no results. Then the fifth year they again apply water and fertilizer - and in five weeks' time the tree grows ninety feet in height! The obvious question is did the Chinese Bamboo Tree grow ninety feet in five weeks or did it grow ninety feet in five years? The answer is: it grew ninety feet in five years. Because if at any time during those five years the people had stopped watering and fertilizing the tree it would have died.
There are many times that our dreams and plans do not appear to be succeeding. We are tempted to give up and quit trying. Instead, we need to continue to water and fertilize those dreams and plans, nurturing the seeds of the dream and vision God has placed within us.

Because we know that if we do not quit, if we display perseverance and endurance, we will also reap a harvest. Galatians 6:7

Remember: It is not what you have, it is what you do with what you have that makes all the difference! Don't Give Up!!!

Is Common Courtesy Gone For Good?

Politeness is the cornerstone on any civilized society. In essence, it is respect for other people's feelings. This respect is reflected in both thought and action . . . in considering other people's points of view and behaving in sensitive ways. Unfortunately, in many areas of life, politeness seems to be outdated. Please understand, I am no "Miss Manners"(or "Mr. Manners" for that matter), but simple manners are essential in effective relationships. Regardless of the relationship, simple manners communicate that other people are important and that they matter.

Three Simple Manners

Say Please - How many times were we reprimanded as children for grabbing something without asking, "Please, may I have this?" A person who consistently does not say please indicates that he or she feels entitled to have something without asking. Saying please communicates value to the person both asking and being asked.

Say Thank You - The Bible tells a story of how Jesus healed ten lepers of their disease. They immediately began to celebrate, and in their excitement, nine of them did not think to return to thank Jesus. Were they grateful? Absolutely. Then why didn't they express their gratitude? Perhaps they were too busy or just did not think of it; or they thought Jesus would know they were thankful. In any case, only one took the time to return and say a simple, "Thank You." When was the last time you expressed gratitude to the waiter at the restaurant, an attendant at the car wash, your associates at work, or even those at home? It is amazing -- the power of "Thank You."

Respect Others - We live in an incredibly diverse society. Different backgrounds, different religions, and different values are all pervasive in America. There is a difference between disagreeing and disrespecting. Always treat people with respect - - even when you disagree with them - - perhaps especially if you disagree with them. There is never a good reason to show disrespect for another person.

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." Matthew 7:12

Here is a wonderful relationship principle: Treat others the way you want to be treated. We all want to be treated as someone special, someone loved, someone respected, or someone valued. How can you do this? Simple: Treat them the same way you want to be treated! Treat others with simple, common courtesy! It shows that you value others!