Two Important Words!

Two Very Important Words!

A while back, I picked up a book called Heart at Work compiled by Jack Canfield & Jacqueline Miller. In the book, Steve Wilson tells the story of Norman Guitry was giving a lecture to group of freshman students preparing for service in the Mental Health field. What he said was remarkable:

"Everything you need to know about mental heath can be summed up in only two words. Ninety-five percent of the mental health problems we deal with today could be eliminated if everyone would practice this two word prescription, if everyone would live by these two words."

What are the two words?? Don't Belittle

He went on, "Don't belittle. Don't put people down. Don't make anyone feel small. Don't be judgmental or critical in ways that diminish another people's sense of themselves. Most of the problems of crime and abuse, academic failures, problems between bosses and workers, broken homes and addictions can be traced to low self-esteem. Don't belittle. Remember it. Teach it. Live it."

What Does The Bible Have To Say About This?

FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE IN OTHERS - You will find what you are looking for everytime!
"Keep your mind on what is true, pure, right, holy friendly and proper. Don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8

LIFT UP AND ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER - Treat People the way that you want them to treat you! "You must encourage and help each other!" 1 Thessalonians 5:11

SPEAK WORDS THAT HELP AND HEAL RATHER THAN WORDS THAT HURT AND DESTROY. Words do matter! Sharp words cut like a sword, but words of wisdom heal." Proverbs 12:18

"Words Can Bring Death or Life! Talk too much and you will eat everything you say! Proverbs 18:21 (CEV)

Use your words wisely today! Build Up Others! Are you using your words to build others up or tear someone down?

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