During this last week, I was thinking what kind of a heritage I was leaving our boys.
The heritage I want to leave my boys is:
- A Heritage of a Loving Family - I want my sons to know that I love and am committed to them. Not only them, but a gift that I can give my boys is to model for them a man that loves and honors his wife. A husband should love his wife as much as he loves himself. Ephesians 5:8
- A Heritage of a Life that Mattered - It would be great for my boys to be able to watch me and see that I lived a life that mattered. A life that made a difference. A life that had purpose. Know where you are headed and you will stay on solid ground. Proverbs 4:26
- A Heritage of Integrity - Honesty is something that is becoming more difficult to be able to find today. It really is all around us, but it is something that we have to look for to find it - its not pointed out to us very readily. I hope that my sons will be able to see the same man at Church as he does at home - a man who lives what he says. Never tell lies or be deceitful in what you say. Proverbs 4:24
- A heritage of a Helper - I want both boys to know that people matter. They matter to God and they matter to me. If I had everything, all that money could buy, but did not love people, I would be nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:1-4 para
- A Heritage of a Man Who Loved God - This really encapsulates all of the others, for if I do not love Him the way I should, all these other things will be out of balance. This is what God wants, See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God. Micah 6:8
What does this have to do with you? Simply this: What heritage are you leaving your family? What heritage are you leaving your co-workers? What heritage are you leaving those who know you? Remember, you are building your legacy, your heritage today. You are paving the road that those around you, family, friends and co-workers will follow. That is the role of a leader. Leadership is a privilege with great responsibility.
Build a great legacy - a day at a time - a decision at a time - a word at a time.
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