
How many times have you felt fatigued, bored, depressed, cynical, irritable, impatient, and maybe even a tad bit paranoid? Yet, there is no particular crisis or problem you can see to explain your “funk.” These negative feelings may be due to some level of burnout.

Burnout is not just a 20th century problem. Elijah, an Old Testament Prophet, faced burnout. He had just won a mighty victory, experienced an emotional high and then crashed - - and crashed hard. Look how burnout effected him and what he did about it. Perhaps we all can learn from his experience.

What Happens When We Burnout?

  • Burnout Causes Us To Doubt Our Abilities. It also causes us to throw major pity parties. “I have had enough! Just let me die! I am no better than my ancestors.” 1 Kings 19:4
  • Burnout Causes Us To Evade Our Responsibilities. Burnout victims often leave tasks undone, leaving others in a lurch. Elijah, why are you here?” 1 Kings 19:9
  • Burnout Causes Us to Blame Others for Our Situation. It is not me, it is every one else! I do not have a problem . . . everyone else does. Oh really? “I have done my best to obey you, but every one else broke their promise to you.” 1 Kings 19:10
  • Burnout Causes Us To Blur the Facts. Life often appears far, far worse than it really is. “I am the only one left.” 1 Kings 19:20

So What Do You Do When You Are Burning Out?

  • Make Sure You Get Enough Rest and Food. You will never be a consistent performer until you are consistent in these areas. “He lay down under a tree and fell asleep . . . Get up and eat.” 1 Kings 19:5-6
  • Spend Time with God - Take Your Cares, Frustrations and Feelings to God - Be Honest With God. God is big enough to listen. Talk to Him – He is available 24 hours a day! “Lord, I have done my best to obey you.” 1 Kings 19:10
  • Realize God is Still in Control. Unfortunately, we often think that it is our job to control everything. “I want you to see Me when I pass by.” 1 Kings 19:11
  • Realize It Is Probably Not As Bad As You First Feared. A fresh perspective can do wonders. You are not alone, 7,000 have also obeyed.” 1 Kings 19:18 para

Now, have you prepared for the day?

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