Is Your Life Consistant?

Are You Tossed To and Fro or Experiencing an Even Flow?

On of the biggest challenges in life today is to keep things on an even keel. Life is filled with up and downs, serenity and turmoil, drudgery and ecstasy, pleasure and pain -- sometimes all in the same day. Not only is this true of life, it is true in marriage, business and almost all other relationships. How do you stay levelheaded when all those around you are losing theirs?

Four Keys To a Stable, Consistent Life

  • Watch Whom You Listen To - "God blesses those people who refuse evil advice ….” - There are times in our lives that we seek advice from other people. There are many sources of advice that are out there. Volumes of books are written about almost every subject from business leadership to familial relations. The question to evaluate all counsel is: Does it square with God's Word? That is the ultimate question.
  • Watch Who You Follow & Spend Time With - "God blesses those people who... won't follow sinners and won't join in sneering at God. " - You can tell a lot by a person when you find out who his heros are. Who is your hero? Who is your mentor? Who is it you look to and say, "I wanna be like him!" We can look to Jesus Christ and say, I want to live like Him. Be careful whom you emulate. John 13:15 (NIV) "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." Be careful who you spend time with. You cannot run with the dogs and not get fleas. You cannot roll in the mud with the swine and expect to remain clean. You cannot soar with the eagles when you have been playing with the turkeys! (Proverbs 14:7 CEV) "Stay away from fools, or you won't learn a thing."
  • Choose To Follow God's Laws - "God blesses those people who ... the Law of the Lord makes them happy…." What rules do you play by, the worlds rules or God's rules? Your answer will effect the way you raise your children, run your business or treat your spouse. (Psalm 37:3 para) "Trust in the Lord and do what is right; if you do this God will bless your life."
  • Concentrate On Pleasing Him - "God blesses those people who… think about it day and night." - Who are you ultimately trying to please? Are you living for the here and now or storing up treasure in heaven? Are your values temporal or eternal?
"God blesses those people who refuse evil advice and won't follow sinners or join in sneering at God. Instead, the Law of the Lord makes them happy and they think about it day and night." Psalm 1:1-2

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