Leadership Part One - Establishing Leadership Definitions

In a few weeks I will be training some leaders in Manta Ecuador about Leadership.  I think that the greatest model of leadership is Jesus.  I am developing some notes/handouts for these lessons and I thought that I would post my thoughts/notes as I prepared them.    I hope that you will read/benefit and chime in with your insights!

Establishing Leadership Definitions

First and foremost, I truly do believe that Servant Leadership as modeled by Jesus is the most effective and efficient type of leadership for all institutions.  Servant Leadership isn’t just for Church.  These principles hold true in all leadership situations – for leadership is about relationships.  At its core – Leadership is about influencing another person.   Leadership is influence.   Everyone is a leader and everyone is led by someone.

So the question is – what kind of Leader are you?  What kind of leader or you to your children or spouse?   What like of a leader are you to the kids you coach or teach?  What kind of leader are you to the people who watch you?   Oh … and they will watch you – there is always someone watching.  The only way to avoid leadership is to isolate yourself from the outside world. 

Leadership can be as intimate as speaking words of guidance and encouragement to a love one or as formal as passing instructions along extended lines of communication in and organization.   Leadership can be nurturing character and self-worth in children and promoting great intimacy and fulfillment in personal relationships, or it can involve distributing resources in an organization to reach a specific goal or accomplish a given task.  

Essentially there are two types of leadership - Life Role Leadership and Organizational Leadership.   Life Role leaders often are enduring relationships:  parents, spouses, siblings, friends, etc.   Organizational Leadership operate for a season and may come and go:  jobs, supervisors, co-workers, etc.  (Lead Like Jesus)

Most of the significant leadership that shapes lives does not come from leaders with titles, it come from leaders in life role relationships.

Paul wrote:  “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”  1 Corinthians 11:1

Two important questions:

  • Who are you following?
  • Where are you leading those who are “following/watching/learning from” you?

Next:  What is the Difference Between Jesus Leadership and other Leadership?