The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)
One of the greatest misconceptions is that you can't make a difference with your words. Words can bring life or death; they can build or destroy; they can lift or they can crush.
There was a group of volunteers who worked with inner-city gangs. They began a practice called "strength bombardment." Basically one gang member would stand silently in the center of the gang, while the other members would take turns telling him what they believed his strengths were and how he had impacted them in positive ways. They reported it was not unusual to see even the toughest gang members break down and cry when they heard what their peers actually thought of them.
When was the last time you intentionally built up someone with your words? Every word you speak to someone can bring life or destroy a spirit. Every day you have the power to build, encourage, bless, build up a person ... every day. You have the power.
It is easy to say that we want to change the world. But I think that often that is nothing more than a pious sounding cop out. Every day God puts people in your path that are hurting, suffering, discouraged or broken. How about impacting their world? How about speaking life into their brokenness? How about letting them know they matter? Stop talking about changing the world and just open your mouth and encourage the Barista at Starbucks or the clerk at HEB?
One last thing ... for you parents. Your words paint a picture of what you want your child to become. What picture ... what future are you painting for your child?
Tonight ... before you close your eyes ... look back on your conversations today.
Did you speak life or death?
Did you build or destroy?
Did you lift up or put down?
Did your words make the world a better place or did you just add to the verbal pollution?
Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24 (NLT)