The Fig Tree Parable - The Book of "Markabus" Version

It was the wrong time of the year to have AC problems at the Redd household, but none the less the repairman was here.  While inspecting our outside units he informed us that part of the problem was our huge fig tree was blocking the air intake and exhaust and should be trimmed back.   Please understand, this wasn’t any fig tree.  This fig tree was planted right after we moved in – some 13 years ago.   It started off as a stick of a fig tree, but now measures some eleven-foot tall and just as wide.  It has faithfully provided plenty of figs over the years and is fiercely defended by one Mrs. Sharon Redd.   It is HER tree.   It is HER baby.  Those are HER figs to eat and share with others.  So the idea of lopping off a main branch of this tree brought shivers to my spine.   But none-the-less, it had to be done.

Out came the saw – off came the branch and to the ground the limb went separated from all its fig tree brethren and sisteren.  For the first time in its life the branch was abandoned, separated from the security, nourishment and “fellowship” of the tree.

But the worst was yet to come. 

After watching a YouTube Video on how to plant cuttings from a fig tree we took the branch and begin to strip its leaves and figs.   One by one each leave was ripped away.    Even the figs, which were too premature to eat, where plucked and tossed aside.  Then we began to chop up the branch.   The branch that was over ten-foot with many sub-branches became a bucket full of eighteen-inch sticks.  

Within a matter of moments the branch went from flourishing to being lopped off, stripped bare and chopped up. 

The video told us to put the small samplings in dampness until the root fibers begin to show, then transplant them into the soil and then what was one branch will have the potential of being many new fruit bearing fig trees.  That part is yet to come, but the potential is there.

I came inside and flipped on Sports Center when it occurred to me.   This is an illustration of the Chapter of Life I am in right now.  Also – please understand that God is the Master Gardener.  It is He who prunes, strips and plants.  Bear with me here and see if this may not be part of your story too.

Having pastored churches for over 30 years, I knew the security of being part of the “Fig Tree.”    Last year I was “lopped off” the tree.   God looked at me and much like the Redd Fig Tree, I had grown in ways that Fig Trees shouldn’t and He took the saw and lopped me away from the security, nourishment and “fellowship” of the Fig Tree.  By the way, the Redd Fig Tree is fine, still bearing fruit and flourishing.   You see the branch needed the Fig Tree – the Fig Tree didn’t need the branch.  So it is true of the Fig Tree God lopped me from.

Next God took and stripped me bare.   All the leaves that I so proudly displayed were stripped away.  I was bare for all to see.  It was painful.   It was terrifying.   It was humbling.  But what some might have seen as a branch to be discarded, God saw as a branch that in His care would bare even more fruit – perhaps even more fruit than had I stayed attached to the Fig Tree.

Next God began to cut me down to size.   You see, I was in His hand.  He was doing the stripping.  He was doing the cutting.  He was preparing me to be planted, not just in one place, but in many places far across the world.

It has been a year now.  God has taken these “cuttings” and has planted them in the lives of over 300 pastors/leaders/evangelists in Ethiopia.  He has placed “cuttings” in three churches in San Carlos Nicaragua.  He has placed “cuttings” in the men and women of The Gathering.   And if I understand the direction of God correctly, He will place “cuttings” in over 1500 more pastors/teachers/evangelists in Ethiopia during 2016.

Yet it is still painful at times.  It is still frightening.  It is still so humbling.  I long for the fellowship of the Fig Tree.  I miss the security.  I miss the nourishment.  But I am in the hands of the Master Gardener and right now He has chosen to separate me from the tree, strip me bare, cut me up and plant me elsewhere.   Terrified, frightened, humbled and excited – I trust Him.

Maybe one day, from the Redd Fig Tree, there will be many huge, fruit-bearing fig trees that can trace their origin back to the day the AC man said, “That branch needs to go.”

I pray, hope and believe that one day there will be many “Fig Trees” that will look back and see that God brought a naked stick, planted it, nourished it and now it bears fruit, security and nourishment for people for generations to come.

It was God who cut.   It was God who plucked the leaves from the branch.  It was God who chopped the branch up.   It is God who chose where to plant and prepares the branch for the soil.   It is God who has me in His hand.

Bare, terrified, humbled and excited I trust Him.  I will trust Him.   I will abide with Him.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 (NIV)

Pathway to Peace

This last week I have had prayer with many in our community.
Death, turmoil, stress seem to dominate many conversations.
This week at the Gathering we are going to look at the subject of Peace.
 Is Peace Possible In My Life?

With the death of someone I love - Is Peace Possible in My Life?
With my job up in the air - Is Peace Possible in My Life?
With my family making bad choices - Is Peace Possible in My Life?
With what I have done to my family/friends/life - Is Peace Possible in My Life?

Come - Let's Talk Together. Yes - it is possible. 
Look at what is taught about peace in the Bible.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:4-9 


In the John 14 passage there are two kinds of peace listed.  What are they are how are they different?

Is it safe to assume that if our hearts are troubled and we are afraid that we are not experiencing the peace that Jesus is referring to in the John 14 passage?

What is the “Peace of God” in Philippians 4:7?   Describe it.

Later in vs 7 it tells us this “peace” will guard our hearts and minds.  What are our “hearts and minds” being guarded from?

Is this “peace” automatic?  Is it a “gift from God” given to some, but not others?

In Philippians 4:4-6 there are things we are told to do and not to do – what are they?  What is the result if we do these things?

In Philippians 4:8 we are told to focus on certain things.  Does that mean we are totally ignore things that are troubling?

What Now? A Response to an Interesting Week.

It is my belief that we are living in a “post-Christian” America.

What this does not mean is that there are no longer Christians in America.  This does not mean that groups of people that follow Jesus in America now are “un-Christian”.

What I believe it means is this.   America was founded by people who looked to God and His Word for direction, protection and provision.   Whether they were Christian or Deists is debatable – what is not debatable is these men and women looked to God and His Word In determining right, wrong and what was acceptable in the society.   Looking at our Constitution, Bill of Rights and original laws, it is obvious these writings were based on a Judeo-Christian understanding of God and His Word.  It was that understanding that provided a general consensus of what was right/wrong and acceptable for America.

No longer is this true.

I do not believe there is any consensus in America when it comes to determining right/wrong and what is acceptable.   It is for this reason I believe that America is now a “post-Christian” nation.

Some would argue this is a good thing while others would see it as a nation that is rotting but by any standard it is obvious that America is no longer the nation is was as founded.

So what does this mean for me?   I think any reasonable person has asked themselves that question.  I speak for no one else – no group – no church – these are just my thoughts.

The nation I grew up in isn’t the nation I see now.   I am not ancient – just 55 – but I can still remember a time when America had a “consensus” of what was right and wrong.    Now that is gone, it is hard to recognize what America has become.   Please understand – I am not America bashing at all.   Honestly, I still think that there MAY be a majority that would agree of the basics of right/wrong and what is acceptable, but looking at social media and media, it is hard to believe that to be true.

The nation I see now doesn’t hold the same values I have.   The nation no longer determines right/wrong and what is acceptable by the same standards as I do – the standards they once did.   The nation has changed.   Me – not so much.  So what do I do with that?

I am becoming an Exile in my own nation.

I can run and hide.   You know – just crawl into a church building and surround myself with people who believe what I believe, value what I value, worship who I worship and be comfortable patting each other on the back knowing “we” aren’t like “them” who abandoned God and ruined America.

I can stand and fight.   I think this is where the Church has been for the last 50 years or so.   We loudly proclaim sin and organize ourselves to bring change to our nation by electing leaders who will “steer the nation” back to godly values.  Somehow a great mixture of patriotism/Christianity is the hope for America.  Bring them to Jesus through the ballot box.  That really hasn’t worked very well.   For America or for the church.

I can give up and just blend in.   Just throw in the towel and accept that things will never change.   Agree with the “majority” on what is right and wrong.  Just give up my beliefs and adopt what the status quo for what is right/wrong and acceptable has become.

So if I don’t run and hide, stand and fight or give up and blend in, what do I do?

First – God is still in control.   None of this caught God by surprise.   America is not the first nation God has blessed only to see it rebel against Him and unless the world ends, it won’t be the last.  Nations – great nations – have risen and fallen.  Their arrogance, confidence and opulence gave way to decay, despair and their demise.  If the world is still spinning in 100 years – what will be written of America?   Will there even be an America?   God knows – I don’t – but He is in control.   He was in control of things before America ever was – and He will be if she ever ceases to be.

Second – God’s Plan does not hinge on America.   God’s Plan is bigger than America.  His Plan is about His Kingdom – not our Nation.   We need Him.   He does not need America.   Right now God is moving in powerful ways all over the earth.  With my own eyes I am seeing God move though Ethiopia – the heart of Africa.  In China, millions are turning to Him.  Right now I believe that God is raising up Nations, calling people to Himself – just as He did America some 400 years ago.

Third – God’s Calling on my life hasn’t changed.  That isn’t a Pastor/Teacher thing – that is a follower of Jesus thing.  As a follower of Jesus I am called to love people, compassionately speak His truth in love and as best I can – follow Him.  Live like He would live if He were here today.  I haven’t always done that well.  When I fail, I turn to Him and find forgiveness, restoration and love.  Then as best I can, I get up and start following again.

Finally, I strive to be a blessing to the very nation I feel has rejected Him.  Please understand – just as a church isn’t a building, but it is people – a nation isn’t soil – it is people.   I am to be a blessing to those people who have rejected Him and His Word for determining what is right/wrong and what is acceptable.

Follow me for a second.   Jeremiah wrote a letter to those who had been ripped from Jerusalem and taken into Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar.  There were called the Exiles.  He said they would be returned to Jerusalem one day, but not now.  So these are the instructions Jeremiah said God was giving them.

Build houses and make yourselves at home. Put in gardens and eat what grows in that country.  Marry and have children. Encourage your children to marry and have children so that you'll thrive in that country and not waste away.  Make yourselves at home there and work for the country's welfare. Pray for Babylon's well-being. If things go well for Babylon, things will go well for you." Jeremiah 29:5-7 (MSG)  

Here is what I take from these words.   I am not to run and hide.   I am not to stand and fight.  I am not to give up my values.  I am to live in a place that doesn’t believe what I believe, value what I value or ever agree with me what is right/wrong/acceptable.  I am to “work for my ‘communities’ welfare.”   I am to be a blessing to the very people I disagree with.  I am pray for America – that God may once again bless her.  I am to compassionately speak His truth in love.  I am to care for those that don’t care for me.  I am to love those that hate me – or what I stand for.  I am to do what Jesus would do if He met them face to face.   That is hard.  That is impossible without God changing my heart.  That is Kingdom work.

Again – I don’t speak for anyone else and you may totally disagree with me.   That is fine.   I may be wrong.  And please understand there will be a great many “churches” that will coalesce around the purpose of keeping themselves pure and unpolluted from a nation that has turned from God, while others gather for battle against the ungodly laws and people of our nation.

But as for me – Kingdom work isn’t about Nations.  Kingdom work is about people.  All people.  People that fill my community, my nation that vehemently disagree with me about marriage, sexuality, religion, God, morality or heaven forbid – football.  I am to love them.  I am to strive to compassionately speak God’s Truth in love and be a blessing to them.

What an adventure!