First - the good news - Most people who worry are usually the more intelligent among us. (smile) You see, worry is just the misuse of a creative imagination filling our minds with "What if's." And usually, the more intelligent you are, the more creative you can be, the more "options" you dream up to worry about. So, if you aren't very intelligent ... uh ... don't worry about it. (smile)
So ... assuming you are intelligent ... let's think our way through this with a little logic. Think for a second ...
40% of what we worry about will never happen.
30% of the stuff we worry about has already happened ... and we can't change any of that
12% is needless health worries .... (I have a head ache ... thus I must have a brain tumor)
10% is worrying about what people think of us... (really ... since when can we really control that?)
8% - what we have left over for legitimate worries.
So .... We spend most of the time so worrying about the 92% we are so paralyzed by fear we can't deal with the 8% that matters! It can be exhausting worrying about all those things you have absolutely no control over whatsoever!!!
Now some people say they worry so much they just can't focus on that "illusive" 8%. Well ... isn't worry at it core focus? When we worry ... don't we focus in - laser in - rollover in our minds - that which we are worried (focused) about?
So .... if worrying is focusing on the the wrong things .... then what is the opposite of worry?
Class? Hello? Bueler ... Bueler .... Bueler ....
How about Thankfulness - Gratitude - Appreciation? Worrying is focusing on what "may" go wrong - thankfulness is focusing on what "has" gone right.
Now then ... what about the 8%???? What do we do with that? Stick our head in the sand?? Nope - Faith is looking at the 8% square in the eyes and trusting that God will. God will what? Yes. God will provide. God will care. God will lead. God just will. That is having faith that God will do what He says.
So .... Where is your focus? On what might go wrong? or What has gone and is going right? And ... how is your faith quotient? When you look at the 8% of legitimate stuff - do you really thing God will keep His word? Or do you worry that it is all up to you? (smile)
EXERCISE: Take the first 10 minutes of your day - each day for the rest of your week - get a pencil and pad and write down (DON'T JUST THINK) the things that are right in your life. What you have to be thankful for. First of all ... you have internet access ... (WHOO HOO) ... probably 80% of the world doesn't. Second of all you are well fed .. (some of you more well than others ... ah hem) ... you eat better than 95% of the people in the world. You had a bed last night with AC (most of you) ... billions didn't. You have a spouse that loves/tolerates you? There are some reading this right now that would love that. Should I go on???? Or do you get the picture? So take a few minutes in the morning ... start your list. (No Bragging .... "I am thankful for my 2010 Corvette and my Supermodel Wife! ... grin)
So how bout it boys and girls????
Adapted from "The Noticer" by Andy Andrew